People in the Mathematics Department at Kings who are associated with General Relativity

People in the Mathematics Department at Kings who are associated with General Relativity, appointed from 1950 but before 1981


  • C W (Clive) Kilmister (1950-1983)
  • Hermann Bondi (1954-1971)
  • F A E (Felix) Pirani (1955-1983)
  • I W (Ian) Roxburgh (1963-66)
  • Peter Szekeres (1967-1970)
  • Michael Crampin 1968-1972
  • D C (David) Robinson (1970-2001)
  • P C W (Paul) Davies (1972-1980)
  • C J (Chris) Isham (1973-1976)
  • P C (Peter) West (1978-)
  • R A (Ray) D'Inverno (1968-1970)
  • J N (Jamal) Islam (1973-74)
  • Kelly Stelle (1977-78)
  • Stephen Huggett (1979-80)

Post-docs/research associates

  • Dennis Sciama (1959-1961)
  • R K (Ray) Sachs (1960-61)
  • Roger Penrose (1961-63)
  • R G (Ray) McGlenaghan (1966-67)
  • N M J (Nick) Woodhouse (1973-75)
  • Michael Duff (1974-76)
  • Stephen Fulling (1974-76)
  • Steven Christensen (1975-76)
  • Larry Ford (1975-77?)
  • A P (Andrew) Hodges (1981-83)


Einstein visited King's in 1921 and over the years the Mathematics Department has welcomed many distinguished contributors to general relativity. Those who were at King's for an extended period after 1950 include the following. We have indicated the dates but these need to be verified.

  • Ivor Robinson (19?? - 19??)
  • Andrzej Trautman (1958)
  • J N (Josh) Goldberg (1960-61) and often subsequently
  • E T (Ted) Newman (1965) plus a number of other times before and after
  • Arthur Komar (1960's?)
  • Banesh Hoffman (1959?)
  • James Anderson (1960ish?)
  • Alfred Schild (1961, 1966?)
  • Wolfgang Rindler (1961-62)
  • Robert Geroch (1967-69)
  • Henning Muller Zum Hagen (1969?-72)
  • R L (Richard) Arnowitt (1969-70?)
  • Stanley Deser (1976)
  • John Wheeler (during 1960's and 70's)
  • J Jeffrey Winicour (1969?)
  • John Stachel (1970-71, 1971-72)
  • John Madore (1974)

We would welcome comments, or ommissions, and also help with some of the dates.